New DREAM Act book: Underground Undergrads

After "Documented Dreams," a collection of letters by high school DREAMers, the UCLA Center for Labor Research and Education has come out with "Underground Undergrads"–an anthology written by undocumented students at UCLA.

For more information and to purchase the book, click here

The American Prospect ran a review of the book with some great commentary about the DREAM Act: 

The truth is that many of these young people have never known any other home but America. They’ve never dreamed any other dreams but those that manifest in American law schools and science labs. Some of them have never even spoken a language fluently other than American English (for better or worse).

And they don’t just need America. America needs them. We have always benefited from the ingenuity, passion, and dedication of immigrants. It is the zeitgeist that has animated our American story for hundreds of years. Unfortunately, the other part of that story is one of xenophobia, state-endorsed relocation and violence, and fear. I’d prefer to tell the former version this time around. Wouldn’t you?

 Click here to read more

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