Gays and Undocumented Immigrants – Nativists and Homophobes Two Sides of the Same Coin

“One of the pro-Prop. 8 persons was cited for trying to incite a fight,” Campa said.

Police said the man was a member of the anti-illegal immigration group San Diego Minutemen, and told the San Diego Union-Tribune that he was one of several people conducting a counter-protest on Sixth Avenue at Ash Street.

Status quo civil marriage and immigration laws often target and constrict behavior that is neither criminal nor wrong. Put under the lens, nativists and homophobes are two-sides of the same coin– the coin that hates, otherizes, marginalizes and oppresses the Other.

1. With-holding a term, a construct that has power (tool of governmentality)
In the case of immigrants, that would be ‘citizen.’ For the LGBTQ community right now, that would be ‘marriage’ – Both are arbitrary constructs, backed by the state that have evolved over time. At one point, only white property owning males were considered citizens and there was a time not too long ago that inter-racial marriages were illegal. Now we have gay and undocumented individuals who are fighting for the certain benefits not made available to them.

Homosexuals have to do without marriage because they are homosexuals.

Illegal Aliens have to do without citizenship because they are illegals.

2. Stubborn binaries — Insistence that the lines cannot be crossed.
“You can have your civil unions” (directly implying that marriage is off-limits)
“Illegal is illegal” (falsely implying that citizenship is an immutable concept)

3. Twisted, corny logic
“You have the same right to get married as I do – marry the person of an opposite sex”

“If you want to become a citizen, get in the line” without realizing there is no line for most undocumented immigrants.

4. Similar Distancing Tactics

“I don’t have a problem with immigrants, just the ones who come here illegally.”

“I don’t have a problem with gay people as long as they don’t do IT in public” or “I don’t have a problem with equal rights for gay people, but marriage should not be redefined”

5. Rule of law mantra
Keep up the shadowy pretense that ‘mob rule’ and the tyranny of the majority is somehow part of the founding principles of this country and there is no such concept as civic rights.

“Prop 8 restores the rule of law as dictated by the people, not by activist judges.”

80% of Americans are against illegal immigration” but pro-enforcement candidates somehow keep losing elections.

6. Distorting Numbers

Both groups also swarm articles and online discussions and litter their trashy hateful discourse to appear as the ‘moral majority.’ Offline though, neither nativists nor homophobes can usually draw more than a few dozen to their rallies for hate.

There is no comparison between this …

and this:

7. Touting baseless chain effects

“When you reward someone for doing something, you encourage others to engage in similar behavior. That’s why amnesty programs are the wrong way to address illegal immigration.”
Heritage Foundation

“Gays are recruiting young children into becoming gay.”

Because when we hang out with tall people, we get taller.

8. Invoking an alien status

“Why don’t you gays just get your own planet; and leave the rest of us alone?” (If there was life on another planet, I would seriously consider it)

“Illegal aliens are just that: ILLEGAL ALIENS. Go back to Mexico.” And this is said even for immigrant youth who have been here since they were toddlers, speak perfect English, and as American as apple pie.

9. Discourse of Hate

Notice the capitalization? Notice the dehumanizing words? Nativists and homophobes usually do not have warrants for any claims they make, hence reduce themselves down to adhoms and slurs.

and finally …

10. A sentence to describe our situation …

“We are here. We work alongside you, raise our kids alongside your kids, walk the same path, shop at the same stores, drive on the same highways, breath from the same air supply and drink from the same water source. The only difference is that we are treated as second-class in our own country, because we are __________ (gay/without papers).”

6 Replies to “Gays and Undocumented Immigrants – Nativists and Homophobes Two Sides of the Same Coin”

  1. Don’t Expect “Hispanic Family Values” To Counter Gay Agenda
    In the United States, “gay marriage” is now the law of the land in 6
    states. Just last month, New York legalized it. As usual, the Republicans,
    who control the New York Senate, caved and made it all possible. In 31
    American states, gay marriage has been voted down in referendums; not once
    has it prevailed. Yet it just doesn’t seem to matter as the “gay marriage”
    movement bulldozes forward

  2. Don’t Expect “Hispanic Family Values” To Counter Gay Agenda
    In the United States, “gay marriage” is now the law of the land in 6
    states. Just last month, New York legalized it. As usual, the Republicans,
    who control the New York Senate, caved and made it all possible. In 31
    American states, gay marriage has been voted down in referendums; not once
    has it prevailed. Yet it just doesn’t seem to matter as the “gay marriage”
    movement bulldozes forward

  3. Don’t Expect “Hispanic Family Values” To Counter Gay Agenda
    In the United States, “gay marriage” is now the law of the land in 6
    states. Just last month, New York legalized it. As usual, the Republicans,
    who control the New York Senate, caved and made it all possible. In 31
    American states, gay marriage has been voted down in referendums; not once
    has it prevailed. Yet it just doesn’t seem to matter as the “gay marriage”
    movement bulldozes forward

  4. Mexico City now has “gay marriage”. And it’s been approved by the Mexican
    Supreme Court, which declared that all 31 states in Mexico must recognize
    same-sex marriages performed in Mexico City (the Federal District). That
    means that legally, same-sex “marriage” is actually on a stronger footing
    in Mexico than in the U.S. (For now—liberal judges in the U.S. will no
    doubt eventually claim that the U.S. Constitution’s Article IV, Section I,
    the “Full Faith and Credit clause”, requires all states to accept some
    states’ “gay marriage” laws.)

  5. Mexico City now has “gay marriage”. And it’s been approved by the Mexican
    Supreme Court, which declared that all 31 states in Mexico must recognize
    same-sex marriages performed in Mexico City (the Federal District). That
    means that legally, same-sex “marriage” is actually on a stronger footing
    in Mexico than in the U.S. (For now—liberal judges in the U.S. will no
    doubt eventually claim that the U.S. Constitution’s Article IV, Section I,
    the “Full Faith and Credit clause”, requires all states to accept some
    states’ “gay marriage” laws.)

  6. Mexico City now has “gay marriage”. And it’s been approved by the Mexican
    Supreme Court, which declared that all 31 states in Mexico must recognize
    same-sex marriages performed in Mexico City (the Federal District). That
    means that legally, same-sex “marriage” is actually on a stronger footing
    in Mexico than in the U.S. (For now—liberal judges in the U.S. will no
    doubt eventually claim that the U.S. Constitution’s Article IV, Section I,
    the “Full Faith and Credit clause”, requires all states to accept some
    states’ “gay marriage” laws.)

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