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Speaking Gigs
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- Meet the Immigrant Entrepreneurs: Public & Social Services, November 2023
- Undocustudents Public Interest Panel, University of California, Berkeley, November 2023
- Panel on TPS, University of California, Berkeley, April 2018.
- Borders and Banishment, Georgetown Law School, March 2018.
- United Against White Supremacy, UC Berkeley Law School, January 2018.
- Undocumented Knowledge – Students, Borders and the Politics of Sanctuary, Harvard, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2017.
- Race in Shifting Times: Politics, Power and Policy-Making, 7th Annual Race & Policy Symposium, 7th Annual Race and Policy Symposium, Goldman School of Public Policy, 2017, University of California, Berkeley, California, 2017.
- What is a Sanctuary Campus? UC Berkeley School of Law, Berkeley, California, 2017.
- “We are Criminals,” 3rd CINETS Conference – Crimmigration in the Shadow of Sovereignty Sponsored by MLAW Programs, University of Maryland School of Law, Maryland, 2016.
- Sankofa: Intergenerational Transformations, Plenary, America Healing Conference, Asheville, NC, 2015.
- Negotiating Diversity’s Boundaries: Diversity Policies for Asian Pacific Americans, Harvard Law School – Annual APALSA Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, 2015.
- #MediaImagesMatter: The Combined Effects of Traditional and New Media in Perpetuating Stereotypes of People of Color, 6th Annual Broadband and Social Justice Summit, Washington D.C., 2015.
- Social Engagement and Political Participation, Millennials Rising, New America Foundation, Washington D.C., 2014.
- Crimmigration – But We Are All Criminals, The Prison State: Our Collective Intersections with the Prison System, Hampshire College, Massachusetts, 2014.
- Undocuqueer, George Mason University, Virginia, 2014.
- Undoing Borders and Queering the Undocumented Narrative, Georgetown University, Washington D.C., 2012
- Town Hall: Is the Opportunity to Learn a Moral Imperative in the United States? National Opportunity to Learn Summit, Washington D.C., 2012.
- AAPIs and the Urgency for Comprehensive Immigration Reform, Asian Pacific Americans for Progress (APAP)-Washington, DC Chapter, Washington D.C., 2010.
- LGBT Pre-Conference and Perspectives from the Social Change Blogosphere, Netroots Nation Conference, Pittsburgh, PA
Keynote Speaker
- Undocumented and Unheard, Asian American Law Journal, UC Berkeley School of Law, Berkeley, California, 2016.
- Scholarships A-Z Conference, Tucson, Arizona, 2016.
- Detainment, Detention, and Imprisonment: State Authority over Marginalized LGBT Communities, Lambda/JLG Colloquium, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2016.
Continuing Legal Education Seminars
- LGBTQ Cultural Competence Training, AILA Nor Cal, 2023.
- Symposium: Advocating for Immigrants in Uncertain Times, CLE, St. Mary’s University School of Law, San Antonio, Texas, 2017.
- DACA Nuts and Bolts Seminar, Federal Bar Association, Washington D.C. Chapter, Washington D.C., 2012.
- Defense of Marriage Act, Law for the People National Lawyers Guild Convention, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania., 2011
- Emerging Issues for LGBT Immigrants, Asylees and Refugee Seekers CLE with the National Lawyers Guild, Golden Gate University, San Francisco, California, 2011.
- Know Your Rights, Berkeley City College, Berkeley, California, 2017.
- Immigration 101 at RISE Conference, Berkeley, California, 2016.
- 5 Things Every South Asian Organization Needs to Know to Engage LGBTQI* South Asians, National South Asian Summit, Washington D.C., 2015
- Moderator for Building Our Power: AAPI Mobilization for CIR, Advancing Justice – AAJC Conference, Washington D.C., 2014.
- LGBT Movement Building: Intersection and Opportunity for South Asian LGBTIQ Community Members and Allies, South Asian Americans Leading Together Summit, Washington D.C., 2013.
- AAPI DREAMs: New Stories from Undocumented Activists, NQAPIA Conference, Arlington, Virginia, 2012.
- Home Sweet Home, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, SAAN, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 2012.
- Regulating Bodies, Queer and Trans Conference, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania, 2012.
- Organizing Against Oppression, South Asian Americans Leading Together Conference, Washington D.C., 2011.
- Workshop on Organizing Through Social Media, Rootscamp Conference, Washington D.C., 2010.
Academic Conferences
- Immigration, Identities and Injustice, Incorporating Undocumented Students and Youth: A UC-Wide Workshop of Research and Policy Recommendations, University of California, Santa Barbara, California, 2016.
- Rethinking ‘Illegal’s’ The Racialization of Undocumented Americans, Identity and Citizenship, Paper presented at the American Association of Geographers (AAG), Boston, Massachusetts, April 2008.
- The Complex of International Relations: The Faulty Epistemology of Dominant IR Discourse, Paper presented at the International Studies Association (ISA), Chicago, Illinois, March 2007.
- Three-Part Series: All You Need to Know About Immigration Enforcement, Asian Americans Advancing Justice – AAJC, Washington D.C., 2015.
- Executive Action on Immigration Webinar, NAPABA Immigration Committee and Asian Americans Advancing Justice – AAJC, 2015.
- Deferred Action for Dreamers: A Call for LGBT Youth, Immigration Equality, 2012.
Inverting the Meaning of Model Minority, TEDTalk, Washington D.C., 2012