The Real Does Not Exist – Individuality is an Illusion and Now Pure Science Jumps on the Bandwagon

“…furthermore there is no separation between people. Everything is interconnected and the biggest secret of all to me, is the extent to which individuality is an illusion…” That is an integral philosophy of this site but this time quantam mechanics Read More …

The flawed logic of either/or – Creating spaces for intervention

black/white, straight/gay, women/men, left/right, us/them, American/Un-American, nativist/humanist, legal/illegal, liberal/conservative anti-corporate/anti-labor, capitalism/communist, butch/femme, inside/outside, developed/undeveloped, top/bottom, public/private… Our world is tainted in simplistic, dualistic undertones since we are young and we grow up conditioned to think in this manner. It starts Read More …

Study – Majority legal residents were "illegal" at one time – California

It appears that most things don’t happen in a STRAIGHT line (neither do brain waves and heart beats FYI). After my constant repetition of “undocumented or illegal is not a permanent immutable characteristic” this past week, the Public Policy Institute Read More …