Initial Thoughts on Reform Immigration for America

This is my biggest peeve with the so-called pro-immigration movement or what we are calling the ‘Reform Immigration for America.’

Don’t shout down at migrant youth. Don’t tell us what to do and what stories to tell, and what to marginalize.


We need to flip this picture upside down. And that requires 4 M’s –

1. Manifesto
2. Money
3. Management
4. (Mainstream) Media

We need a clear manifesto outlining what we stand for and no compromises on that. End raids, end deportations, roll back migrant-military complex, include LGBT partners in any comprehensive bill. Pro-enforcement policies are not going to cut it.

We need money. Incorporate away, charge for consultations.

We need a loose structure in place, not hierarchical but certainly some mechanism to manage money, press relations.

And finally, we need to whore ourselves out to the media with a counter-narrative derived from the manifesto.

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