The Perpetual War on Immigrant Students

It seems that we have built quite an appetite for war at home and abroad. Our foreign policy mirrors our domestic one and vice-versa–Overseas, we are destroying families, communities, killing innocent children, deferring their dreams permanently through a ‘war against Read More …

Under-reported Immigration News Brief – 1

This is my very first attempt at doing an immigration news round-up of sorts. It’s inspired by the rocking Citizen Orange/American Humanity (woo!) but instead of linking pro-migrant blogs together, I will be digging for immigration news and opinions not Read More …

SPEAK out – Immigration Control – Emerging Police State

The progressive media is finally paying more attention to the emerging police state in light of immigration crackdowns in Postville, Iowa and the Washington Post report on the (mis)treatment of immigrant detainees. Joshua Holland provides a good summation in his Read More …