SPEAK out – Immigration Control – Emerging Police State

The progressive media is finally paying more attention to the emerging police state in light of immigration crackdowns in Postville, Iowa and the Washington Post report on the (mis)treatment of immigrant detainees. Joshua Holland provides a good summation in his Read More …

Depoliticize Immigration – Article in NLG Newsletter

Here is a first draft of an article I wrote for the NLG Newsletter today. Feel free to comment and give suggestions on how to make the preaching drivel better. This year, the May 1 marches for immigration reform were Read More …

Know Your Rights – Undocumented Workers Entitled to Workers' Compensation

The need to institute fair labor laws and protections across the board, regardless of immigration status, is something I have blogged about previously–and the courts in many states agree! Take this decision from South Carolina as an example, rendered just Read More …

Documenting the birth of illegal immigration

Someone at BNF felt compelled to tell me that the birth of illegal immigration was the coming of Europeans to the Americas. The comment is theoretically accurate but misses the point of the argument. By the ‘birth of illegal immigration,’ Read More …

Marking The Anniversary of 'Illegal Immigration'

May 6, 1882 is the date for the birth of ‘illegal immigration.’ Like most social concerns that are only deemed as a ‘problem’ when it benefits the state, the immigration of Chinese laborers to the United States, the so-called ‘yellow Read More …