Immigration leads to Global Warming? Nonsense!

That was the response from a friend over IM when I mentioned the latest anti-immigrant CIS report that foresees immigrants as a major cause of global warming. The report is titled Immigration to the United States and World-Wide Greenhouse Gas Read More …

Depoliticize Immigration – Article in NLG Newsletter

Here is a first draft of an article I wrote for the NLG Newsletter today. Feel free to comment and give suggestions on how to make the preaching drivel better. This year, the May 1 marches for immigration reform were Read More …

North Carolina Plays Ping-Pong with Undocumented Students

Playing ping-pong with the future of our students in North Carolina continues as now the Community College system has clarified that undocumented students in the system already can remain. The policy has supposedly changed 4 times, but the NC Community Read More …