URPE – Allied Social Sciences Association Meeting in San Francisco Jan 3-Jan 5

I’ll be attending as a member of URPE, the AEA conference in San Francisco from Jan 2 to Jan 5. The following panels are the ones that I am particularly interested in attending:

Jan. 3, 8:00 am
International Migration and Remittances: Innovations in Survey and Experimental Work (O1)

Presiding: DEAN YANG, University of Michigan
DEAN KARLAN, Yale University, and SENDHIL MULLAINATHAN, Harvard University–Remittance Set
Asides: A Field Experiment in Mexico
DEAN YANG, University of Michigan, DIEGO AYCINENA, Francisco Marroquin University, NAVA
ASHRAF, Harvard University, and CLAUDIA MARTINEZ, University of Chile–Remittances and the
Problem of Control: A Field Experiment Among Migrants from El Salvador
MICHAEL CLEMENS, Center for Global Development, and LANT PRITCHETT, Harvard University–
Income per natural: Measuring development as if people mattered more than places
DAVID MCKENZIE, World Bank, and JOHN GIBSON, University of Waikato–Evaluating the Impact of a
New Seasonal Migration Policy in the Pacific
Discussants: JOOST DE LAAT, University of Montreal
LORI BEAMAN, University of California-Berkeley
UNA OSILI, Indiana University
Gero Carletto, World Bank

Jan. 3, 8:00 am
Gender and Migration (F2)

Presiding: FARIDA KHAN, University of Wisconsin-Parkside
MARY C. KING, LEOPOLDO RODRIGUEZ, and CARRIE COBB, Portland State University–Semi-
Formal: Understanding the Institutional Nature of the Labor Market for Mexican Immigrant Workers in the US
LAURA J. TEMPLETON, University of Alberta–The Economic Welfare of University-Educated Immigrant
Women in Canada: Impact of the Domestic Household
ELKE HOLST, DIW Berlin/SOEP and University of Flensburg, ANDREA SCHAEFER, DIW Berlin and
Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences, and MECHTHILD SCHROOTEN, University of
Applied Science Bremen and DIW Berlin–Gender, Migration, Remittances: Evidence from Germany
ALEX JULCA, United Nations – International Labour Migration and Reproduction of Inequalities: the Latin American Case
Discussants: FARIDA KHAN, University of Wisconsin-Parkside
ARPITA BANERJEE CHAKRABORTY, University of New Hampshire

Jan. 3, 10:15 am
Sraffa’s Unpublished Papers and Marxian Political Economy (B2)

Presiding: AJIT ZACHARIAS, Levy Economics Institute of Bard College
RICCARDO BELLOFIORE, University of Bergamo–Sraffa, the New Interpretation and Marx: A First
Exploration into a Continent Which is Not Yet Explored
SCOTT CARTER, University of Tulsa–Sraffa-New Interpretation Nexus and the Theory of Exploitation
GARY MONGIOVI, St. John’s University–Sraffa and Wittgenstein on Language and Method
HEINZ KURZ, University of Graz–Ricardo, Marx, and Sraffa
Discussants: PIERANGELO GAREGNANI, Centro Sraffa
JOHN EATWELL, New School for Social Research
CRISTINA MARCUZZO, University of Rome-La Sapienza

Jan. 3, 10:15 am
Quantitative Marxism and the Falling Rate of Profit (E3)

Presiding: ERDOGAN BAKIR, Bucknell University
PAUL DUNNE, University of the West of England–Military Spending and the Falling Rate of Profit: An
Empirical Analysis
ERDOGAN BAKIR, Bucknell University, and AL CAMPBELL, University of Utah–Profitability,
Financialization and Capital Accumulation in the U.S. Economy
SIMON MOHUN and VINCENT BROWN, Queen Mary, University of London–The U.K. Rate of Profit:
ALI CEVAT TASIRAN, Birkbeck College, University of London, and ERDOGAN BAKIR, Bucknell
University–Rate of Profit in Business Cycle Phases and their Transitional Dynamics
PAUL COONEY, Universidade Federal de Pará-in Belem–Competition, Globalization, Neoliberalism,
Poverty and Inequality
Discussants: ANDREW MEARMAN, University of the West of England
AL CAMPBELL, University of Utah

Jan. 3, 2:30
The Capital Controversy Revisited (D3)

Presiding: FRED MOSELEY, Mount Holyoke College
PIERANGELO GAREGNANI, University of Rome 3—On the Present Situation of the Controversy
Concerning Neoclassical Capital Theory
CHRISTOPHER BLISS, Oxford University—Capital Controversies Revisited: A Neoclassical Writer’s
Response to Justified Criticism
AVI COHEN, University of Toronto–Methodological Comments on the Capital Controversy
Discussant: HEINZ KURZ, University of Graz

Jan. 3, 2:30 pm
Migration and Wages (J2)

Presiding: JOSEPH G. ALTONJI, Yale University
IRA N. GANG, JOHN LANDON-LANE, Rutgers University, and MYEONG-SU YUN, Tulane University–
Migrants, Natives and a New Measure of Assimilation
SEIK KIM, University of Washington–Wage Dynamics among Foreign-Born Workers in the United States
TODD SCHOELLMAN, Clemson University–The Occupations and Human Capital of U.S. Immigrants
CATIA BATISTA, University of Oxford–Why Doesn’t Labor Flow from Poor to Rich Countries? Micro
Evidence from the European Integration Experience

Jan. 4, 8:00 am
The Global Financial Crisis: Heterodox Perspectives (F3)

Presiding: DAVID KOTZ, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
JAMES CROTTY, University of Massachusetts-Amherst–Structural Causes of the Global Financial Crisis
DAVID KOTZ, University of Massachusetts-Amherst–Neoliberalism and the Crisis of 2008
MINQI LI, University of Utah–Global Imbalances and Neoliberalism
JACQUELINE MORSE, University of Massachusetts-Amherst–Neoliberal Roots of the Subprime Crisis
RAMAA VASUDEVAN, Colorado State University–The Dollar, Financialization and the Subprime Market
Discussants: KORKUT ERTUCK, University of Utah
MARIE DUGGAN, Keene State College

Jan. 4, 10:15 am
Nobels on “Where Is the World Economy Headed?” (Roundtable) (F4)

Presiding: DOMINICK SALVATORE, Fordham University
GARY BECKER, University of Chicago–The International Market for Talent
ROBERT FOGEL, University of Chicago–Forecasting Changes in the Cost of Health Care: 2000-2040
LAWRENCE KLEIN, University of Pennsyvlania—Measurement of the Shift in the World’s Center of Economic Gravity
ROBERT MUNDELL, Columbia University–The World Economy: Quo Vadis?
EDMUND PHELPS, Columbia University–The Uncertain Direction of the World Economy

Jan. 4, 10:15 am
The Economic Footprints of Immigration

Presiding: RAKESH KOCHHAR, Pew Hispanic Center
RAKESH KOCHHAR, Pew Hispanic Center–Weathering the Recession: The Impact of the Housing Crisis on Immigrant Workers
JESUS CANAS, PIA ORRENIUS, ROBERTO CORONADO, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, and MADELINE ZAVODNY, Agnes Scott College–Do Remittances Boost Economic Development?
SARAH E. BOHN, Public Policy Institute of California–New Settlement Patterns of Immigrants and the Low-Wage Labor Force
NAOMI GRIFFIN and JONATHAN A. SCHWABISH, Congressional Budget Office–The Changing Relationship between Public Spending and the Foreign Born
Discussants: JOYCE MANCHESTER, Congressional Budget Office
MARK LOPEZ, Pew Hispanic Center
JASON FICHTNER, Social Security Administration
MARK REGETS, National Science Foundation

Jan. 4, 12:30 pm
Neoliberalism, Global Inequality and Progressive Governance (F5)

Presiding: GEOFF SCHNEIDER, Bucknell University
GEOFF SCHNEIDER and PAUL SUSMAN, Bucknell University–Neoliberalism, Progressive Governance, and Grounded Comparative Institutional Advantage: Lessons from Sweden and Mondragon
MATHEW FORSTATER, University of Missouri-Kansas City–Alternatives to Neoliberal Globalization
MARY WRENN, Weber State University–Identity, Identity Politics, and Neoliberalism
KELLIN STANFIELD, DePauw University–Inter-Group Disparity, Stratification Economics, and Institutionalism
ANNA ZACHOROWSKA-MAZURKIEWICZ, Jagiellonian University–Role of Macroeconomic Policy in Reinforcing Gender Inequality – The Case of Poland in the European Union
Discussant: PHIL O’HARA, Curtin University

Jan. 4, 2:30 pm
Immigrants in America: Ethnic Enclaves, Remittances, and Progressive Policy (F2)

Presiding: MARLENE KIM, University of Massachusetts-Boston
ULYSES BALDERAS and EDWARD F. BLACKBURNE, Sam Houston State University–Do Women Send More Money Home? A Case Study of Mexican Migrants in Texas
ROBERTO PEDACE, Claremont Graduate University, and STEPHANIE ROHN, University of San Diego—A Warm Embrace or the Cold Shoulder: Wage and Employment Outcomes in Ethnic Enclaves
JOAN B. ANDERSON, University of San Diego–Why More and Higher Walls Haven’t and Won’t Slow Mexican Immigration
ILENE GRABEL, University of Denver–he Political Economy of Remittances: What Do We Know? What Do We Need to Know?
Discussants: MARIE MORA, University of Texas-Pan American
STEPHEN RAPHAEL, University of California-Berkeley
STEPHEN J. CONROY, University of San Diego

Jan. 4, 2:30 pm
The U.S. Financial Crisis: Heterodox Perspectives (E3)

Presiding: CHRISTOPHER NIGGLE, University of Redlands
GARY A. DYMSKI, University of California Center-Sacramento–The Sky Did Not Fall in 2008: Hegemonic Transition and the Subprime Crisis
PHILIP O’HARA, Curtin University–A Political Economy Analysis of the Subprime Mortgage Crisis
SUSAN SCHROEDER, Auckland University of Technology–A Minskian View of Ratings Agencies
L. RANDALL WRAY, University of Missouri—A Minskian Alternative to the Big Government/Neocon Model
ERIC TYMOIGNE, California State University-Fresno–Do We Need More of the Same Type of Regulation?
Discussants: STEPHANIE KELTON, University of Missouri-Kansas City
CHRISTOPHER BROWN, Arkansas State University

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